
The Rev. Diane Kenaston in a white pastor's robe with a red stole and red high heels, preaching at the front of a church sanctuary

You make a difference. I’m here for you.

  • You want to make a difference in the world. You care about how you do your work as well as the end results.

    You are driven by your values and a call from beyond yourself.

    You wonder, "How can I be effective, authentic, and faithful? What does it take to hold steady in the tumult?"

    You long to be reminded that God has gifted and called you for exactly this moment.

    All you need is a reliable partner as you figure out your next right steps.

  • I coach people who are making changes in their lives and in their communities. I can help you align your life with your values.

    My strengths-based approach always starts with what's strong rather than what's wrong. Then I focus on process > product. And this is why I love coaching -- it's all about the process of transformation!

    I have experience leading adaptive change while addressing the intersections of gender, age, race, sexuality, mental illness, class, size, ability, and culture.

    I am grounded in asset-based community development, family systems theory, emotionally healthy spirituality, and social justice movements.

    I love coaching people from a variety of backgrounds and vocations. Many of my clients are seminarians, nonprofit leaders, or congregational ministers -- but not all of them!

  • As your clergy coach, I can help you claim your gifts, align your life with your values, and take the next right step. I will believe in you, explore possibilities with you, cheerlead for you, and offer accountability as needed. You will develop your gifts as you achieve your goals. 

    We'll figure out together how God wants to transform you, your community, and the world. 

    We will connect your individual transformation with the communal changes you long to see. In coaching, systemic change starts with you.

  • First, we meet in a free exploratory session to decide whether we're a good fit for working together. We make a decision about whether you'd like one or two coaching sessions (best for people who have a short-term issue and a strong support network) or ongoing coaching (recommended for deeper transformation).

    We'll also discuss whether you'd like Focus Coaching (short weekly sessions designed for focus and accountability) or In-Depth Coaching (hour-long sessions 2x/month, where we really dive deep into each week's topic). Both types of coaching packages come with email and text support.

    In each coaching session, you bring yourself, your topic, and your goals. 

    Previous coaching topics have included vocational transitions; emotionally healthy relationships; queer identity; ADHD and neurodiversity (and Focus Coaching is especially helpful for neurodiverse clients!); deconstructing faith or purity culture; congregational/family systems; and adaptive leadership. 

    You are the expert in your own life, and I will support your autonomy and self-determination. I'm not here to tell you what to do. I'm here to help you listen to your own inner voice and take your next right step.

    There’s more than one way to be faithful --- so how is God calling you?

I coach people changing their lives— and communities.

Through coaching, you will connect your individual transformation with positive changes in your community.

By investing in yourself, you’ll experience a ripple effect on everyone around you.

Not sure if coaching is for you? Try a free session to learn what coaching is all about — and whether we’re a good fit. (No pressure. Seriously!)

Standard RATE

Regular one-hour sessions are $100.

(10% discount for members of Young Clergy Women International)


When cost is a barrier, invest the equivalent of your hourly wage.

Send me a message to get on the Sliding Scale waitlist.


Achieve your long-term goals by meeting 2x/month for 3 months.

Invest in five regular coaching sessions and get a free sixth session.


Get focused every week —
and stay focused on what really matters.

Ideal for neurodiverse clients, as well as anyone who wants weekly check-ins and accountability!

These weekly 30-minute sessions are only available in a package. $250 for six weeks of focus coaching with limited sliding scale available.